Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life, as it

Lately I haven't blogged much but life is good, overall. I have good health, love and hope. But life is life and it isn't always perfect. I still believe and experience perfect moments and cherish them within, however.

Sometimes it's the little things in life that we must appreciate. Such as, right now, I'm sitting here, listening to Sia's new album delivered to me early by a wonderful friend. So far it's fantastic. I'm also happy that my kitchen is clean. I love a clean kitchen! When you love to cook the way I do, a clean kitchen is important. I continue to felt, my hobby as of late and can't seem to get enough of it. Ah, the little things.

Channeling energy into areas that need my attention is my priority, so right now I'm writing privately, keeping a diary of sorts. And finally, focusing on writing the book I've started over and over. It's time.

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